Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mockingbird turns 50

The News-Herald's outdoors and environmental guru Jeff Frischkorn keeps me supplied with educational reading material.

While I subscribe to Glamour and Allure and Marie Claire, he brings me his copies of National Geographic and Smithsonian.

So it was that I happened upon a fascinating article on Harper Lee on the occasion of the 50th (!?) anniversary of the publication of "To Kill a Mockingbird."

It tops a list of the best books of the 1960s. A decade that yielded a lot of my favorites. And a lot of books that happen to be on the list of choices my daughter brought home for summer reading, too.

Mockingbird is proof that a good story and exceptional writing are timeless.

Think I'll put it on my summer reading list!

- Tricia Ambrose

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