Monday, February 14, 2011

Lessons in bravery

I don't think I could be as brave as Alison Wright.

And that's before she's critically injured in a bus accident in Laos.

Count me among those inspired by her journey in "Learning to Breathe: One Woman's Journey of Spirit and Survival."

Doctors agree it's a miracle Wright survived the accident on a winding mountain road in Laos. Yet her life up to that point had hardly been tame.

A photojournalist, Wright had spent the better part of her adult life in remote villages documenting their cultures and chronicling the plight of children.
Her sense of adventure and willingness to go where few would dare are inspiring in and of themselves.

Add on the will to live that keeps her going after the accident, and now I'm officially wowed.

"The world seemed vibrant and electrified, and I believed the continuation of my life to be one giant postscript. The taste of death became a touchstone, reminding me of what seemed truly important - family, friends, and a desire to give something back to the world through my work."

To have that kind of attitude and positivity after months of surgeries and grueling rehab, with no guarantees that at the end of your hard work you'd have your life back. I don't know that I could keep that up.

Listen to Wright recount the accident that changed her life:

Check out a preview here.

- Tricia Ambrose

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