Friday, January 17, 2014

Fractured Anecdote blogger publishes book

Congratulations to Betsy McMillan! The Fractured Anecdote blogger and member of The News-Herald's Community Media Lab has published her fifth non-fiction book.

As she described it via email:

"A Mystery in the Mailbox" is a true story about a simple idea, intended to help my cousin Joe McNeeley when he was in the end stages of terminal illness, and how that idea blossomed and grew into a project helping those with terminal and long-term illnesses across the country for more than 20 years. I’m coming out of the anonymity closet to share my tale, in the hope that others will be inspired to provide "A Mystery in the Mailbox" for someone who is in dire need of the type of help money can't buy.
"A Mystery in the Mailbox" is available on Amazon.


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