Is there such a thing as too much protection?

Labels: Lisa Tucker, Once Upon A Day
Monday, January 31, 2011
Labels: Lisa Tucker, Once Upon A Day
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Labels: book club, book sales, Burton Library, Chardon Library, Eastlake Library, Kirtland Library, Mentor Public Library, Morley Library, Perry Library, Willoughby Library, Willowick Library
Friday, January 28, 2011
The Lulu Titlescorer has been developed exclusively for Lulu by statisticians who studied the titles of 50 years' worth of top bestsellers and identified which title attributes separated the bestsellers from the rest.
We commissioned a research team to analyse the title of every novel to have topped the hardback fiction section of the New York Times Bestseller List during the half-century from 1955 to 2004 and then compare them with the titles of a control group of less successful novels by the same authors.
Labels: best sellers, litsoup
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Labels: Crash into Me, Liz Seccuro, nonfiction
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Labels: Dennis Lehane, Moonlight Mile
Monday, January 24, 2011
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Nonfiction |
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Fiction |
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Labels: author appearance, book signing, Burton Library, Eastlake Library, Madison Library, Mentor Public Library, Middlefield Library, Morley Library, story time, Willoughby Library, Willowick Library
Friday, January 21, 2011
Labels: Laura Moriarity, The Rest of Her Life
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Labels: Last Days of Ptolemy Grey, Walter Mosley
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Labels: Caroline Leavitt, Pictures of You
Monday, January 17, 2011
Labels: Gertruda's Oath, Holocaust, Ram Oren
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Labels: Burton Library, meetings, Mentor Public Library, Morley Library
Thursday, January 13, 2011
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Shane Zucker (left) and Steven Peterman (right) of Art House Co-op. |
Labels: arthouse co-op, the fiction project
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Desperate parents struggling to feed too many children
Depraved individuals doing the unspeakable
Unwed teens terrified to acknowledge a birth
Labels: book review, David Stout, unsolved case
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Labels: censorship, Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Labels: book club, book sales, Burton Library, Mentor Public Library, Morley Library, Willowick Library
Friday, January 7, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Theodore's chin sank to his chest. He fought back the tears of defeat and the desire to give up, to return home to England. No, he decided at last. He couldn't go back. Because no matter how vast this country was, Alice was there, somewhere, somewhere in the wild, lonely West.
Theodore checked the list of fares. He had just enough money to get himself to Cleveland, Ohio. That wasn't very far west, but it was a start. "One ticket to Cleveland," he requested, laying the money on the counter, his hand shaking slightly. It was all the money he had in the world. Theodore twisted the ring on his finger; he thought of the rose he had carved for Alive. "Somehow I will find her," he vowed, oblivious to the ticket seller's curious stare. "If I die searching, someday I will find her."
For the first time, Theo realized how blind he had been. How could he not have noticed how much he cared for Dancing Wind? As he held her in his arms, not knowing whether she would live or die, Theo knew that he'd never forgive himself if he lost her now. Dancing Wind had given him so much in the past few months; she'd taught him to laugh and share again. She'd taught him how to look ahead to the future, encouraged him to forget the past. And he'd given her nothing in return. How could I not have seen? he asked himself. We are so much alike. Dancing Wind is alone, without family; we are both exiles, far from our roots. Destiny brought us together and now it might separate us.
"There's no way out. Edward, this cramped, airless space will be our tomb." Sarah began to cry quietly. "I wanted only one thing, to become your wife. And now ..."(Is this what "Twilight" reads like? Because that's what I imagine.)
Edward smoothed a hand over her hair. "I love you as much as if you were my wife."
"But I'm not."
"Then let's marry right now! We don't need a justice of the peace in order to vow our eternal love for each other." Gazing deep into Sarah's eyes, Edward said, "Sarah Wakefield, I promise to love and cherish you always, until death do us part."
Overcome with emotion, for a few seconds Sarah could not speak. Then she managed to swallow her tears. "I promise to love and cherish you, Edward Brooke," she whispered. "Until death do us part."
"Here, I'll make it official." Edward fumbled in his pocked and pulled out a small piece of paper. In the murky light. Sarah could see that it was the receipt the desk clerk had written up for them when they checked into the hotel. Now Edward turned it over. With a pencil, also from his pocket, he wrote a few quick words.
He handed the paper to Sarah, and she read aloud what he had written. " 'On this day, we were married.' " Edward had signed and dated the statement; now she did the same.
"My wife," Edward said.
"My husband."
Their lips met in the most tender, meaningful kiss they had ever shared. Edward pulled Sarah closer, crushing her body against his own. As the kiss deepened, all the passion they'd been harboring during the months of their courtship rushed over them like a powerful wave. "Shall we stop?" Edward murmured in her hair.
"No," Sarah breathed. She wanted to be swept away; she wanted to go as far as their love would take her.
Sarah's cheeks flushed hot with anger. "Father, there was nothing to know. Nothing happened between us until we went to San Francisco. We may not have been married on paper, but we were married in spirit."(Another thing I'd imagine them to say in "Twilight.")
Sometimes Ted couldn't believe his good fortune. Harry's sister Samantha was as much fun as Harry had promised. While visiting the Watsons that past December, Ted had enjoyed dancing up a storm with her and talking to her about Fitzgerald's novels and motion picture stars like Charlie Chaplin and Clara Bow.(In the words of Chandler Bing, could the author BE trying any harder to make this passage seem timely?)
Ted flipped through the brittle, yellowed pages of Dancing Wind's diary, wondering about the woman who had filled the volume with the tiny, slanted script.*Puts on nerd glasses*
Julia couldn't tell whether Ted had agreed to her proposal because he had nothing better to do or because he was as interested in her as she was in him. It didn't really matter, she decided. After cracking her first big story, she felt confident that her future would be marked by success. She planned to put all her energy into this next assignment: Ted Wakefield's heart.
"Now you look at me, Ted. I'm pretty, I'm smart, I like hard work and adventure. Most of all, I love you. With my whole heart and soul. Are you going to hold that against me?"
Ted touched her face. "No. No, of course not."
"I'd make you a perfect wife and you know it."
"Hmm," Tedd said, considering. "Just right for a study."(I've never had to tell anyone I was pregnant, but I've got to imagine this is the absolute most cheesy way to do it that I've ever seen. Are you kidding me???)
"Just right for a nursery, I think," said Julia.
"Well yes, someday. But for now --" He broke off and stared at her. Julia, standing by the window, smiled at him. "Julia, you're not ...?"
She nodded. "I am. We are!"
"Julia!" Ted crossed to her side in two long strides. "I'm -- I'm -- we're -- oh, hurrah!"
Picking her up, he lifted her high in the air. Julia squealed with laughter. "How's that for a scoop?" she asked him. "Extra, extra, read all about it!"
He set her back on her feet. Before he folded her in his arms, she saw that his eyes were sparkling with happy tears. "We make quite a team, Julia. And I think this is going to be our best story yet."