Friday, May 25, 2012

LitSoup: Six-word memoirs (#sixwords)

This month's LitSoup question:
What is your six-word memoir?

The idea comes from Smith Magazine, which publishes some pretty neat six-word memoirs. You can follow #sixwords on Twitter to read a whole lot more.

Some of my favorite #sixwords tweets I came across on Twitter last night:

Some six-word memoirs from The News-Herald newsroom:

Jean Bonchak:
Faith + Family + Friends + Flowers + Food + Fun (and fashion….) = one happy camper.

Jeffrey L. Frischkorn:
Fish fear me; I fear God.

Robin Palmer:
Jose Mesa blew 1997 World Series

Cheryl Sadler:
Get dessert. Always get a dessert.

This post is part of a LitSoup, a monthly feature on The Book Club compiled of contributions from the newsroom. Send an e-mail or tweet with your suggestions for future LitSoup topics.

-- Cheryl Sadler | | @nhcheryl

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