Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"Big Book of What?" answers 801 things kids want to know

Maybe today’s kids are all over electronic stuff for their reading/learning/playing enjoyment but nothing beats paper and ink.

Take note that my ringing endorsement is for a just-published 192-page hardbound book from Time.
Called For Kids Big Book of What?” the edition proudly boasts of containing “801 facts kids want to know.” And I am quick to add; adults, too.

It is also the latest volume to be published by TIME For Kids Books, a publisher with an extensive line of informational and entertaining books for young peoples.

Cleverly done so as to make it a real page-turner the “Big Book of Facts” spreads its wealth over a broad tapestry of subject matter.

"Big Book of What?" presents and answers such questions as “What are some food that were invented by accident?” (corn flakes, for one); “What is Poutine?” (French fries mixed with fresh cheese curds and then smothered in brown gravy); What is Mancala? (a 1,200-year old board game still played in Africa); and “What are the most extreme daytime temperatures ever recorded?” (136 degrees as recorded Sept. 12, 1922 in Aziziya, Libya, and minus-126-6 degrees as recorded July 21, 1983 at a Russian outpost in Antarctica.)

The book also details how young people can make their own boomerang; recreate a solar eclipse by employing an orange, flashlight, soda straw and 25-cent-piece; and how to construct an anemometer (wind speed indicator).

Really cool, nifty stuff, if you ask me.

The book’s suggested retail price is $19.95 but is currently listing it at $11.62. For further information, visit the publisher’s web site at or call 800-777-8600.
 Jeffrey L. Frischkorn
Twitter: @Fieldkorn


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